Wednesday, March 23, 2005

mmm...breakfast at 3:34

I ate my first meal...cold leftover 3:34 p.m. today.

It wasn't because I had a leisurely day and slept late.

Or because I wasn't hungry.

I woke up at nine after staying up until 12:30 to work on the paper. I made coffee and breakfast and went back to work on the paper. Then I had to leave for a group meeting. I grabbed my coffee and put the hot cereal I made on the back burner of the stove. I did grab some toast though.

We came back from the group meeting at 11:30 and I worked until 1:34 on the paper before I left for work. (and my desk broke, so I have to fix that tonight). I was five minutes late for work, and first got the opportunity to eat.

But I'm making steak tonight and kerry's sharing her twice baked potatoes.

But by 5 p.m. the paper will be bound and I will no longer have to worry about it.


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