Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Daylight Savings zzzZZzzZzzz

Each year we get a week of complete relief and then another of utter annoyance. When it comes, the clocks that used to be your guidance beome the key to confusion.

Ah Daylight Savings Time.

And for whatever reason, they made it earlier this year. While I have yet to run into someone who doesn't mind "falling back" I really don't know too many fans of "spring forward."

Yeah, sure, I enjoy the sunlight and just the different feel the air has this time of year. The more I think about the transition, the more I try to convince myself that it's no problem. "You still get up at the same time on Sunday, and you go to bed earlier, no biggie."

Monday I thought I had this evil mind game licked.

Tuesday I realized my efforts to thwoart Mother Nature had been foiled right under my nose.

Today ......... I was dead. Then I got coffee in me at lunch. By 2 I had a blazing headache.


But I guess if Daylight Savings Time is my biggest problem, I'm doing all right.

On a KoL's my 9th day, and I have 10 Muscle points to gain before getting to Level 9. Things just aren't dropping on this run. It took forever to get a disembodied brain to drop and I had to spend 15+ adventures in the Limerck Dungeon to get dungeoneer dungerees. But I still have my fingers crossed. I'm hoping I got over the hump and I can still make the 16-day-or-less-accension.

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