Monday, May 16, 2011

It reminds me of this painting, that I think I've often seen

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 21: A Song You Listen to When You're Happy

Day 20 I told you I loved listening to the profanity-laced "Shut Up" from Blink182 in the car when I'm mad.  Oddly enough I love listening to Life is Good from LFO also in the car when I'm happy.  When you come down to it, they make me feel the same realm of emotions.  What?  You understand, right?

Life is Good - Life is Good - LFO, 2001

LFO did the kitschy Summer Girls in 1999.  They even released two CD's, and yes I own them. I actually really like almost all of their songs. Being the young rebel I was, they were my boy band of choices vs. Backstreet Boys and NSYNC.

For the most part, they still have their place in my rotation, though not as frequent.  But on a sunny afternoon with the road stretching ahead of me and the window down, Life is Good is the perfect song to blast and sing along to.

Sadly, the lead singer, Rich Cronin died in 2010 at only 36 after losing his long-time battle with leukemia. Thanks Rich, for your goofy lyrics, New Kids on the Block references and Boston accent.  <3

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