Friday, May 13, 2005


It's my last full day in this fake life we have been living in before we hit the real world.

I don't want to go there! The real world citizens offer me no comfort or consolidation...they are too far removed from the comforts of the imaginary place they were ripped from.

WHAT AM I SAYING?! This imaginary world was so harsh at times....the projects, the homework, juggling the responsibilites of homework, school, friends, family, work ... everyone expecting 100 % at all times.

But that's easily forgotten when you're facing 40 hour weeks for the rest of your life. I'll miss my four day week. Sleeping in every other day. Being done by noon.

Aren't you excited?

Why not? Tell me why it's exciting?

You've worked for this for four years. --exactly, now my life isn't measured in incraments anymore. It's just one long span of time. Set on repeat. And i can't find the damn remote. I go to change it but the button is jammed. This was my destiny?

Why did I work for four years for this? That was just delaying it. Why didn't anyone tell me about this? How come alcoholics and murders get guidance and help but i'm left to suffer--stumbling around, trying to find the right path and then not fall off it?


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