Sunday, July 15, 2007

Save the Earth—or Leave Your Conscious at the Tone

For as long as I can remember, we've been warned about global warming. They taught it to us in school--the Earth's atmosphere is deteriorating, letting in harmful rays. They would eventually raise the temperature of the Earth, melt the ice caps, so on and so forth. This damage isn't something that can be fixed, but we can make changes so we don't hurt the planet any more than we need to. It was taught to us as fact.

But all of sudden (using a Seth MacFarlane phrase) in Bush's America "global warming" was a theory. Not only that, a laughable theory from the Chicken Little's of the world--giving another reason to hug a tree or prevent destruction of some natural resource which would decrease that one percent's profits. Keep buying those suv's, hummers and the like. So you're spending more than $100 to fill your tank. It's merely the cost of luxury, and well worth it. Wouldn't you say?

Last summer, a group of scientists met. From different countries, renowned each in their own field. And as far as I know, they weren't considered alarmists.

And what was their conclusion? Not only was global warming a fact, it was here. Our climate and so much more has been changed and damaged almost beyond repair. It's warmer, weather is more volatile and animals are in danger. None of it is a coincidence, all of it is really happening.

Shortly after, a documentary premiered "An Inconvenient Truth," telling us what dire conditions we have created and what will happen if we ignore it. Many brushed it off as Hollywood going political again, shock entertainment, passed off as the truth all in the name of making money.

Then we find out Al Gore spear-headed the project. Oh, well then that changes things. It's the guy who "invented" the Internet drumming up publicity, trying to re-invent an image that could get him elected. (Does this tactic sound familiar? When there's something we don't agree with or don't want to believe--we label it as an exaggerated bedtime story, meant to scare little children. People of America! Don't believe these follies! Don't fall for this story, you're much too smart for their lies! Burn the witches, women are dangerous ... er, I mean ... global warming doesn't exist, he's just trying to make a run for president! Hmmm.)

Skip ahead to this summer, Al Gore has organized a series of concerts, Live Earth, to raise recognition for global warming. The amount of negativity surrounding it astounded me. The guy who organized "Live AID" to raise money for fighting AIDS in Africa said everyone knows about global warming, why do we need recognition for it? What's the point?

The point is, everyone KNOWS about Global Warming, but we have to fight eight years of denying it exists. We need to put it in front of people. We need to show every person that they personally need to change the way they live their life. It doesn't take millions of dollars, it takes small changes. Then it takes the power of numbers: millions demanding change from corporations, industries, governments.

There was also criticism that the concerts were adding to the destruction of the Earth. Millions of people gathering, creating waste with cars, tickets, shirts, garbage---bands in buses, electrical equipment. Not only that, people were coming to hear music. Not to save the world. No one would pull anything but some good tunes from that night.

Gore said that these concerts were green. Meaning, they were different than normal, using environmentally friendly stages, equipment, etc. I can't speak to what was different. But even if one artist changed the way they will tour, they will change their lifestyle to be more green, that will help.

Sure, not every concert goer got the message--but maybe some of them did. Or maybe some will adopt some green lifestyle changes, without quite knowing why they should. It got publicity, and maybe during that more people learned little things they can change to be more responsible.

Yes, global warming was there and had a voice before Gore. But the people in power in this world don't listen to the guy next door or the small-ranking scientist. Like it or not, Gore can generate money and this money might produce results.

So what's next? Since I was taught in school that we should each do our own part to save, conserve and recycle I went to the Web site: to learn more about how I can live greener. You can answer questions to see what your impact on the earth is. How much carbon you're creating. Then you can learn about ways to lessen your carbon output. Easy things that aren't expensive--or that don't cost money at all (maybe even save you money!). Then, if you're so inclined, you can keep reading and taking action by changing the way you live.

I saw last week on the Sunday morning show, that it costs more money to recycle plastic bags than it does to landfill them. So the majority of the bags are going to landfill, destroying the water, killing wild life or just simply taking forever to deteriorate. Now, I'm going to make an effort to use cloth bags. It's going to be slow and a hard adjustment. But it's important. Not to mention that we have a shit ton of plastic bags laying around the house.

Okay, maybe you don't buy this because it's coming from a liberal, tree-hugging hippy. I can accept that. But you can still do small things to help make the world a better place to live. Recycle, conserve water, make the choice to use less plastic when you have the opportunity to do so. If nothing else, check out the Web site to see how you can make changes to live greener.

Your children and grandchildren will thank you.

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