Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Summer Rain

This morning I woke up to thunder. What I should have done was wake up and start exercising, but I rolled over and went back to sleep. I'm working on it. By the end of the week I hope actually start getting up. Baby steps.

I love summer thunderstorms. All summer long we're bathed in sunlight and can hardly go anywhere without sunglasses. But when a storm rolls in, it slowly gets darker. Storms of other seasons simply difuse the light, making it overcast and dull. Somehow the color seems to seep out of our surroundings. But summer storms simply turn off the light. Everything remains as vivid and brilliant as before.

Summer storms are also a relief to hot, muggy weather. Again, a switch is thrown and it becomes cooler. Most like our summer storms are a relief to dry water. Which causes another reason to rejoice. We don't have to water flower beds and gardens. Whoo Hoo!

So we have the cool weather, perfect to go puddle jumping and we also have a fantastic light show. Thunder and lightning are nature's fourth of july, especially when you're in the comfort of your home.

What can I say, I just like the rain!

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