Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All eyes on me

30 Day Music Challenge -- Slightly prolonged due to life ... but back again!

Day13: The Song that is Your Guilty Pleasure

I generally embrace the music I listen to, and can defend the merits of any choice.  I walk off the beaten path musically, so in most instances people don't share my musical ear anyways.

However, there are two songs in my library that I'm embarrassed for people to see.

My guilty pleasure:
Circus - Circus - Britney Spears, 2008

I get she's a pop princess celebrated by the likes of Glee.  But she represents the mainstream blah that spawned mediocrity for music.  She's a top performer, I'll give her that.  Though in this video you can tell she was coming off babies, rehab, head shaving and god knows what else.  Lots of face shots and far camera position on the dancing.

This song isn't good; necessarily, but for some reason, I like it.

Day 14: A Song No One Would Expect You to Like

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