Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hear the voices in my head I swear to God it sounds like they're snoring

I was mulling around a couple of different options for Day 25: A Song that Makes You Laugh.

That's a pretty odd category for songs.  Songs that make me laugh don't really make it into my favorite rotation.  They are the weird songs that come around and are popular for two or three months but then you can't even remember them the next year.  And if you do, you're embarrassed you enjoyed it as much as you did.

This song is a little more significant to me than those fad songs.  Although, I would wager it was a fad song in it's time.  It has a special place in my music library because it was one of the first punk songs that caught my ear.  It has all the key elements of what makes a good song in my head:  distinct beat that sticks with you, clever lyrics, not all one tone - it's fast and slow, loud and quiet (I hate songs that sound the same all the way through), it's a little bit naughty.

Flagpole Sitta, Harvey Danger, Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?, 1998

1998?  I was a Freshman in high school, this may have been my first punk song, predating Blink 182.

This is another song I'd like to sing at the top of my lungs when all alone in the wee hours of the morning.  I know I have it on a mixed cd somewhere in my collection.

Day 26: A Song You Can Play on an Instrument

Check out Day 25 or start from the beginning with Day 1.

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