I've never really admitted this to anyone before. But I hate going to the doctor ... and I try to avoid it at all costs. There are some superficial reasons like I'm overweight and embarrassed to step on the scale. Also, for a long time, like many Americans, I either didn't have health insurance or it wouldn't be fiscally feasible or budget-friendly to go.
But the issue goes deeper. Four years ago I was miserably sick and the doctor told me it was all in my head ... basically telling me that I was making it up. It took four months, four different medications that either did nothing at all or made me feel worse before I was diagnosed.
My father has a long running history of hospital visits. I've written about his kidney transplant before, but we've also had multiple hip replacements, knee replacements and extended stays with battling infections.
I do what I can to stay away from the examining rooms in our local facilities.
This summer I really felt I had no other option. I've had a sinus headache pretty much since June. That in itself, other than inconvenient and annoying, is something I'm relatively used to. Summer time = allergies. One morning I woke up to nausea and vertigo and had what may be my first sick day of working life. I tried to tough it out ... after all I didn't have a fever or any other issues. After the symptoms subsided a bit I noticed a pressure in my ear. The symptoms came and went: nausea, vertigo, hot and cold flashes and fogginess. I self diagnosed maybe a sinus infection or ear infection and figured with a little rest it would go away by itself.
It didn't and I gave in. I was terrified that they would tell me there was nothing wrong with me.
I didn't have any infections and my diagnosis was pretty lame, but at least it gave credence to what I was feeling and didn't brush me off. I guess that's the difference between a good doctor and someone who shouldn't be in a field where they need to interact with people.
All the allergies and sinus pressure were putting pressure on my inner ear. They tested my ears/hearing and found I have highly sensitive hearing -- the doctor literally told me I have sonic hearing, one level below what dogs can hear and better than 90 percent of other people.
(As an aside .... I may have found my superhuman powers from my tick bite: Sonic Hearing!)
My treatment: be more religious about taking my allergy pills before I feel sick and use my neti pot more often. But I'm back on their radar again and I may have to overcome my fears and insecurities and start going to the doctor regularly.