Saturday, August 12, 2006

I can hear ya now

Cell phones. Can you imagine life without them? But the inevitable truth of time and getting older, we were the last generation that didn’t have a cell phone by the time we were 13. With that said, I would have more perspective on them right?

There was an article from a news service that I stumbled across griping that as the cell phones increase, etiquette with their use decreases. To a point I agree. There are the people who don’t turn them off in the movies, at meetings or during class. For the most part, the general public agrees these three areas are merit vibrate.

And recently, I’ve been vaguely annoyed when people take calls when they are out with others. It all depends on the situation. If I see you every day and we’re not engaged in conversation, by all means, answer your phone. But, if we’re out to lunch, talking or are otherwise engaging each other’s attention … you have voicemail. Utilize it. Take the call if you’re expecting it—if it has a purpose. Answering your phone while with someone else and starting to chat away idly—is a deal breaker for me.

This article tells a story of a mother with her children in a video store, appalled at a woman who is talking into her phone graphically about a surgery. How is this any different then if the person on the other line was in the aisle with them?

It also looks down upon using your unlimited minutes while shopping. I am frequently guilty of this sin. And I’m not gonna stop either. I’m not harming anyone, I’m being just as attentive to my surroundings as I would be without the phone and there’s nothing wrong with multi-tasking.

According to their 2006 survey of 2,119 adults on polite cell phone use:
--21 percent say it’s okay to talk during dinner at a restaurant—I say: if you’re alone and quiet: Yes. If you’re with someone: No.
--45 percent say its okay on the bus or subway. I say: 100%:Yes—it’s so amusing to listen to the convos, but if you miss the bus from your inattentiveness, it’s your own fault
--66 percent say its okay to talk in the checkout line. I say: Yeah, but only if you hang up when it’s your turn to pay

Come on people, cell phones are a great addition to our lives. In moderation, as with everything else. So use it. Be safe. And start being a little bit more respectful.

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