Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sneezy, sniffy days

Friday as I was out and about I found myself taking deep breaths. Ahhh fresh cut grass smell. Unfortunately, with the fresh cut grass smell there was also pollen. Just last weekend I was thinking, "Wow, I haven't had itchy eyes or a runny nose at all this year. Usually it starts around April."

Yeah, if there's one lesson in life every one needs to learn early, it's never make that statement. You know the one. "Gee, XYZ hasn't happened yet (it usually does) or (I really expected it to)." By uttering those words (or even in my case, just thinking it), you just set in motion forces in this world that will ensure Condition XYZ will indeed happen. And most likely, in ten fold.

So now I'm sniffling and sneezing, taking allergy pills here and there. Yippee.

I ascended last night. It took a lot longer than I would have hoped because I haven't been able to get all my adventures in every day. I decided to go for Accordian Thief to pick up one or two skills before ... well, I'll tell you about that in just a bit. Doing an accordian thief run with my multi really was helpful. It's not that Accordian Thieves are incredibly hard, it's just that it's way harder without all the other skills from the other classes. As I'm adventuring, I'm always going for entangling noodles, or a reagant potion and the like. And there are a couple of really good buffs from the AT that I'd like before ...

Before, that is, NS13 rolls out. Now, I'm not going to bore anyone who doesn't care (though, I've probably done so already). So if you want to know what that is, or might be, GoodSearch it (or google it for you non-philanthropic types). Nonetheless--from the way it's hyped up, it's going to be big. More content, more items, more quests, more monsters----and a whole lot harder. So I gotta start pulling in the most important HP skills and mighty quickly b/c they announced NS13 rolls out in 29 days! So it's all no path HC runs so I can get the most skills I possibly can.

I need to finish a roll of film so I can get the rest of my New York pictures.

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