Sunday, August 12, 2007

As an Era Ends

Last night, or this morning rather, I finished "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." It took me three days to read it. And now before you "I read it in two days or less" people scoff at me, I could have finished it in one day if I wasn't being all responsible and sleeping because I had to work so pffft.

When I started reading it last night, I didn't even intend to finish it. I was thinking about 50 pages would be fine and then I'd finish the final 250 pages today. I started at 9:51 and ended at 12:15. Once I started I couldn't stop. I told myself I was at an exciting part, just get to lull and end. Well little did I know there wasn't a lull. I don't think there was a lull in the whole book.

After I finished it, I watched television for 10 minutes to distract myself from it. I could feel my heart pounding from the whole exciting ordeal. There was a point last night (probably about 10 seconds after I closed the book) that I wanted to open it up and read it all over again. As far as I can remember, I've never wanted to read a book again right after I finished (with the exception of There's a Monster at the End of This Book). And I've only done that with a handful of movies.

It was such a good book. So much so that I can't imagine there ever being another Harry Potter book to top it. There are some things I wished JK Rowling would have covered before she ended it. I'm still satisfied with the ending, so I'm tryng not to think about it. But somehow thoughts of Harry and the gang keep edging it's way to the back of my mind.

Well, enough of Harry. *sniffle*

I'd say for the past month or two I haven't been in the mood to cook. I don't know if it's because it's summer, so I'd rather be outside or I don't want to make the house hotter by using the oven. But I've had no interest.

I got that interest back yesterday. I made a cucumber salsa, fresh tomato sauce, gnocelli (which I'm sure I'm spelling wrong, but am too lazy to look up--they're little pasta-like potato dumplings), stuffed zucchini and this morning I made zucchini bread. I used half wheat flour for the bread, and it's not as good as all white flour. I find that odd, because most other recipes using wheat have turned out better than their all white flour verisons.

On a KoL note: I just hit level 12, and I'm still working on the Quest of MacGuffin's Diary *coughdirtybastardcough*. I've gone through this quest faster than last time around. I need to get a dusty bottle of Marsala (that's NOT dropping!!), fight Lord Spookyraven and do the Pyramid Quest, and then I'm done.

Unfortunately for my stats, I'm on day 26. It's been so busy that I haven't been able to get my adventuring in properly each day. Plus I missed three days of adventuring last weekend.

Disco Bandit skills suck. So, I'm not sure what one to make permanent. The attacking ones are practically worthless.

I've been in pre-season football heaven: three days, three games! I'm jotting down notes and getting names for fantasy football. Plus it's just a rush to see it again. Oh, how I love football. I missed the first quarter of last night's Packers-Steelers game, and I didn't get to see Ben Rothelisberger play. Very disappointed.

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