Saturday, February 16, 2008

Eating while you spin 360 degrees is fun, but cold

Many apologies for the lack of posting. January flew by ... very busy at work and lots of changes.

Then February came in, complete with the Best Super Bowl Ever. Yay! New York Giants World Champions! Who had Eli's back this whole season? Yeah, that's me. I believed, baby.

The prep for this day was epic. Not really, but it sounded really cool in my head. Well though, I did cook all Saturday and Sunday morning for that awesome spread. And then toasted the Giants' win with sparkling wine. That's right, that's how I roll.

Someone must have put something in my tea. The words typed by my fingers this morning are silly.

We just got back from a conference in Indianapolis. Nice city. Not nearly as warm as I hoped it would have been. After all we were south of Wisconsin, right? I thought at least 40's were in order, instead of 20's. True, WI weather was about 17 degrees colder, but still.

Our hotel was in the center of downtown (at least, i'm assuming it was the center). The capital was on our right (and right out our window) and the RCA Dome (home of the Indianapolis Colts) was on our left. Awesome.

It was an enjoyable conference. The first night we were treated to a keynote speech by the CEO of the national organization. And I was able to enjoy two sessions with the ultra-hot-and-sexy national director of my department. ohhhhh yeah. (I learned stuff too.)

That's about all i have to say. The trip lent quite a few ideas for my book. So I'm excited to get to that.

Until another time ~

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