Sunday, May 18, 2008

If you just realize what I just realized

Another Sunday is here, and unfortunately, almost over. It'll be nice to get some extra time with the coming holiday weekend. Can you believe it's the end of May already? It's the end of May and quite cold might I add. I wish the lovely city of San Francisco would lend us some warmth. They've got record highs and here it's a high probability of frost overnight.

I've been doing my part to help the economy this week (that's code for spending more money then I typically care to spend on a weekly basis). I got my eyes checked and ordered a year's supply of contacts and I bought six pairs of shoes. Now, before you make any judgements, with rebates and a free pair of sunglasses I saved $120 on my contacts and with coupons, sales and free shipping I saved $56 on the shoes.

It's still enough to make my heart palpatate a little .... but with deals like that ... Yeah.

So, what is there for you and I to chat about? Dexter is done, there's still no football for a couple of months, So You Think You Can Dance? doesn't start until next week.

Okay, not too much to talk about. I'm starting to plan to get my masters. I'm narrowing down the different subjects, first goal is to choose, then which school ...

Ahhh life. No manual. All heart.

Happy Sunday to all and to all a good afternoon.

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