Monday, February 23, 2009

Always the week after a work conference

Internet, I feel sick!  All day today I felt off.  It's either a bad case of heartburn or the cold/flu.  And now that my head is foggy, I think I might place my money on the flu end.

I made ribs last night with a creole rub, and felt the effects immediately.  I didn't think it was going to be an issue because I've been seasoning my creations towards the spicier side lately.  The "heartburn" is so horrible it made me light headed today.  Or maybe that's the flu?  I drank water.  I took tylenol. I drank Dr. Pepper.  Sarah gave me some tums.

Then I felt better.  But at 5 p.m. it was back.  My god.  I feel like if I would throw up (or burp) it would be better.  And, HATE throwing up, so I guess I'm going to suffer or drink more soda (but what waste of Pespi Twist and I refuse to do it!).

I made an Asian Chicken Noodle soup, with chicken, noodles (you don't say?), garlic, ginger, veggies, peppers and lime juice/zest.  Ginger is supposed to help with heartburn and that with the other ingredients, maybe it'll kick the cold/flu out??

Either that or it'll make it worse.  I'm totally screwed.

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