Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just like sour chocolate soy milk

Driving home from work today I almost hit a kid on a scooter. Almost as in if I hit the brake about 5 seconds later this would be a whole different post. I was still in the momentum from my turn when a little blond boy no older than seven, rolling on his scooter, zipped from the sidewalk by the other lane, over the center line to my lane.  My heart was still pounding as I turned into my driveway.

No, wait, it wasn't.  The pounding was replaced utter annoyance as I had to sit on the edge of the road waiting to turn right onto the street that leads to my home.  There I got to see the smooth moves of a teenager trying to ride and trick out a skateboard in the middle of the road.  Or should I say, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE F'ING ROAD!?  DO YOU NOT REALIZE I ALMOST HIT A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD AND BY GOD DON'T TEMPT ME TO MOW YOU DOWN!

Then, THEN this kid looks at me over his shoulder, tries a kick flip, and fails.  He picks up his board and walks to the sidewalk.  I wish I had skills so I could grab his board, do a wicked backside kickflip 360 give it back and walk away.  As if to say, this is my road and you better clear the way when I'm coming punk.

To continue my issues, I learned that using my office key to open the house doesn't work.  And chocolate soy milk goes bad really quickly. This discovery was such a disappointment.  I had at least two more glasses in there and I was really looking forward to having a glass of chocolate milk with my omelet for supper.


Blondheim said...

Sour milk is icky. So is hitting blond-hair kids. (Other colors may be debatable.)

SK said...

Love omelets for supper!