Sunday, September 4, 2005

Thank goodness for Family Guy

Watching the Sunday early show, they showed the world sickened and appalled that the "greatest superpower" couldn't help its own citizens. We rushed to the tsuami vicitims, but will not do the same for our own.

During this week, I wondered where the other countries were. The slightest sneeze any where else, the USA is there. We give our dollars, our military and everything else they need. This is tsuami quality--where are they? But I saw on the news today, 50 countries have offered help. 50! They are standing by waiting for the government to give the go ahead.

We don't deserve the title of superpower, I don't want it. Of course, don't blame all of America. Blame the government! IF you can't get your act together to help these people--let everyone else waiting in the wings to step in and get the job done. There's a lot of rebuilding and recovery to do.

The world is laughing at us. And I laugh with them, only in a sick way...wondering where I should call my new home if things get any worse.

When Bush was re-elected, we said, it's okay...only four years--if we make it that far. And that truly is the case. No, Bush didn't cause the hurricane or the levies to fail. But he has the power to get every means available to New Orleans to help these people. But he didn't.

Also didn't visit the hardest hit area. But he visited his pet project, Iraq.

Yeah...Iraq...we're getting stuff done there too.

Yet, the country is outraged. About Gas. About Iraq. About Hurricane Katrina Aftermath.

Really, it should only be 49 percent of the country outraged. Us liberal democratic folks.

The rest of you elected this Urban Cowboy. You sent your sons and daughters there. You sent ours there as well.

You're shocked that you're paying $3+ for gas. You're also donating your dollars to the American Red Cross...only with the immediate on your mind--like when you elected your very own American Terrorist.

This is what you got. And it's only going to get worse, I'm afraid.

He is not capable of being a leader of the people--he has his agenda only on his mind .... and as William Rinquist passing away....he'll leave his ugly conservative mark on us for years to come.

Just remember, unless you're in the top one percent...he doesn't care about you. He doesn't even know you're there...unless of course, it was near voting time. Even then he did just enough to get by. AND YOU WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE HIM!

No wonder the world is laughing at you!

My only hope is we can recover from these four years of darkness.

1 comment:

ExBF said...

I think you're right, but I don't think we should accept the help from other countries. This is our mess to clean up, not anyone else's. Taking relief money from Canada or Germany would be like me sending my billionaire uncle some change from my piggy bank to help him fix his Ferrari. We should pay the price for this in every way...maybe then we'll learn something. Then again...