Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas ... No, Wait--It's still there

This year, Christians are getting all bent out of shape because the "nasty liberals" are stealing Christmas from them. When did we step into a Dr. Seuss book?

They fear a world with proclamations of Happy Holidays.

Have you ever thought about why we say Happy Holidays? It's to be inclusive. Open your minds a little and imagine that four different holidays are celebrated in this general time span. Yes, four. You generally can't tell by looking at a person what their holiday of choice is, so instead of risk offending or simply being wrong you say "Happy Holidays" to wish your neighbor love and good cheer during this joyous season. Hasn't anyone told you god is in your heart? No one can take that from you!

Tell me why is it when your god spreads good will among men and there is song after song of how he loves everyone, in fact I think he was the one who suggested you love your neighbor like yourself, and written documentation he treated the people no one else loved like they were his own. So if you stand by all of this ... and you should because it's in that book you pull out in every other argument ... then why are you not following it?

The point of this time of year is to celebrate--your god, your family, friends ... happiness and cheer. Yes, we can take secularism too far, but I always come back and ponder: What if a religious person other than Christian came to the center of a school, town hall or in the mall and started worshiping his/her god.

What if it's seems foreign to us, and maybe a little scary?

If you would say: Good for them! Freedom of speech! Yay America! Well then I think we should proudly display the Ten Commandments, Koran and any other religious artifact in our courtrooms and schools.

However, I think the reaction would be a little more like: "How dare expose me and my children to that filth! This is America--there is separation of church and state for a reason. And that reason is so I don't have to see what every Tom, Dick and Harry is worshiping tonight."

Everyone is allowed to celebrate however they want. That's why America was founded--and that's why there's a separation of Church and State. It wasn't created to piss you off. It was done so everyone, even if they didn't agree with the majority, could choose to believe what they wanted and live the way they chose. Prayer is not allowed in public school, government and workplaces because it's a peer pressure situation--if I don't follow the group will I be harmed physically? Will I get bad grades? A paycut? Unfair treatment in the eyes of the law?

It's not because we all hate Christians, it's so we don't force an atheist, Hebrew or Muslim to act against his or her heart, just because the people with the loudest voices think their way is the right one.

It's secular--a compromise so no one is hurt. You can still pray, just don't expect me to join you. Choosing to battle over wishing Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or a Holiday vs. Christmas tree is a little petty.

Stop trying to get people to think like you and start living life the way you preach: good will to all, peace on Earth. Come together during this season: all races, religions, sexual orientations and follow whatever doctrine you hold true. Take the part that said we are all loved and for one moment look past the conflicting labels, ideologies and dogma to truly celebrate the goodness of humankind during this holiday (yes, holiday) season.

Take a page from Shakespeare's book, a tree by any other name will smell as piney ... unless of course, it's fake ... but there's a spray to solve that problem.

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