Friday, March 31, 2006

My office

So today from basically 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I was filling out a funding application packet for a program I work with. I was going a little batty around noon/fifteen so I decided to take pictures and show you all my wonderful, beautiful (a little messy right now) office.

The messiness shows the complexity of the packet I'm filling out. They're not the best pictures in the world b/c my office is vaguely L shaped and awkward to photograph.

We begin the grand tour with my French message board I made. It displays the materials we've made the current year. Also in this shot is my collage frame with pictures from our San Francisco trip.

Next is the long part of my desk, along my wall of windows, yes five windows, from mid-wall to the ceiling. My view is a field and the highway, but hey, I get natural light so there's no complaining. Here you'll see a box of payroll stuffers I need to deliver, my campaign folders (yes, plural) my coffee pot (essential) and the Target Puppy! I worked hard for him, he deserves a place of honor.

So now we have a look at the rest of my desk. I have my back to the door, which isn't a good fung shui, but not much i can do about it. I have three bulletin boards in my office, a scanner, and plenty of space to spread out and work.

I also have a lot of drawer space for my files. On my right hand side I have the year-round work files and the in-depth campaign planning files. On my left I have inactive files and samples of other work. My bottom drawer I would like to have my picture archive, but the pics need to be organized ... anyone want to be my Intern to do it?

Here's a close up look at my computer and work area. Notice the ducky (from Jenny) and note holder (from Viki). Also my post-it box (from Dawn), starfish (from Michelle) and various inspirational things in my line of vision.

It's an awesome desk, but the tower is under the monitor in a weird compartment thing, and since it's in a corner, the only way to get at the tower is to craw under and pull yourself behind the desk. Unfortunately, my computer is touch, so I'm always losing my mouse or keyboard for no reason. Not to mention it doesn't always pick up my camera when I plug it in. It gets me very dirty and furstrated.

Next is a look at the top of my desk ... which I need to dust sometime. The graduation frame Kerry gave me with our pics from UWGB in. Pictures of my two oldest nieces, a glass with candy in it and my coffee. Above this is the second French memo board I made. This has pictures of my friends and family. It's hard to get at this. But I really should put a couple more pictures in it.

You can see my binders, directories and portfolios. I have a ton of binders that I use frequently. But those three are used almost daily.

The last wall of my office (not pictured) has my printer, a box of stuff I need to go through, a bookcase of binders, cameras and files with newspaper clippings and materials. I have my UWGB banner and the awads I received for journalism and/or leadership from high school throughout college.

So that's my little home. Much more beautiful and wonderful then the hole in the wall I had when I started.

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