Friday, February 16, 2007

Not Fade Away

When Grey's Anatomy debuted I specifically refused to watch it on the principles that I didn't need to watch a mix of Desparate Housewives and ER. That's right, I made special efforts to avoid it the nights it was scheduled.

Then one Saturday I was flipping through the channels and there was this girl, trying to deal with the fact that she slept with this dreamy-looking, floppy-haired guy who she later found out was one of her bosses. The writing was clever and witty ... then she said "We're adults. How did that happen? And how do I make it stop?" I connected, and I think, became forever hooked. All too soon the episode was over and I was upset. I wanted more! But joy, another episode was on next. Roll title credits and d'oh! Grey's Anatomy. Oh well, I can admit I'm wrong in the shadow of sheer brilliance.

So Part 2 of the longest three parter of my life, until they do it again ... the ferry boat equals Meredith, the lost little girl equals Meredith, Derek pulls Mer out of the water of the bathtub, Der pulls Mer out of the harbor. I thought the explosives in the guy's chest was suspensful.

As I was freaking out afterwards, Dad said, "It's only a show." Well, yeah. It IS only a show--but it's ONLY THE BEST SHOW ON TV!

When the show went to Thursday I thought I was going to have a hard time giving up CSI. But from the very first episode, I didn't think twice by tuning into ABC. Hell, I'll watch it again Friday if it was an awesome show. (I'll only watch the first part of the show tonight...I can't bear any more right now--okay, now they're showing the bomb episode...the Meredith saying she's going to die episode--is this forshadowing or just a network screw-up?)

Sheer brilliance--seriously. This show takes you on a ride for an hour, and it's the kind of ride that makes you want to throw up. But the second you get off, you hop right back in line to do it again ... kind of like life. The best things in life have their extreme ups and downs that make you laugh, cry, want to throw up and feel a deep sense of loss when they are over.

The writers have this keen ability to create human characters that everyone can relate to. We have a bit of them in us: dark and twisty Meredith, competitive Christina, complusive Izzie, optimistic George, smart ass Alex, The Nazi Bailey, torn Richard, misunderstood Mark, gracious Burke, charming Derek, outsider Callie and broken Addison.

They also chose actors that don't make you hate them because even though they are scary and damaged they're also hollywood beautiful. The talent and writing allows you to forget about that as you sink into their world.

We're plagued by the Knight in Shining Whatever Syndrome. Ladies want one, Guys want to be one. But in the same breath some of us don't want to fall into that stereotype. We want more ... and we don't believe in that happily ever after.

A generation going to college, graduating and trying to cope with this McLife.

Like I said, brilliant, seriously. Sure it's dark and twisty, but there are those bright and shiny moments.

Will Meredith live? I don't know, as Shonda (writer/creator) said herself, she killed Denny she blew up McHottie the Bomb Guy (aka: Kyle Chandler), she doesn't play by TV's rules.

Reasons I think they could kill Mer:
  • There's still another Grey on the show
  • Mer could do naration
  • Think of the tale spin (and storylines) it could send the rest of the characters

They CAN kill Meredith. They're writers, they can do anything.

But please, don't! I (and millions of others) have too much invested in this show's formula and in Meredith to let that go.

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