Sunday, September 30, 2007

Who would have thought? It figures.

The Simpsons should not come on at 7 p.m. What the hell is FOX thinking? The season premiere started at about 7:15 because the Giants-Redskins game and the following FOX post game coverage didn't end in time.

I didn't see the opening sequence, but didn't think anything of it because I was flipping the channels. A laugh here, a chuckle there and then the closing screen pops up. What?! That was it? How unsatisfying. I didn't realize I didn't see a full episode until I glanced at the clock: 7:30. Oh look: King of the Hill.

Click. (that was the sound of my remove flipping the channel to NBC)

On the other side of premiere Sunday and not a disappointment: Family Guy: The Star Wars Episode.

I was nervous about what it might be like, but it was freakin' sweet. I can't believe Lucas Films let them make half of the jokes--especially "the force" references and everything involving Obi Wan Kanobi/Herbert.

The whole thing made me want to watch Star Wars. And I couldn't help but marvel at the artful animation.

Yes, Seth MacFarlane continues to be my hero. Brilliant, genius, witty. (Seth's first downfall is that he doesn't like Rent)

My second hero is Shonda Rimes, creator and resident writer of Grey's Anatomy. Last season she dismantled our beloved Seattle Grace hospital staff--even those we love to hate. So flash back to the hospital--17 days later. It truly feels like we're back from summer vacation. The first episode was full of twists and turns--everything we've come to expect. We still want to keep Der-Mer together, knowing there will be those ups and downs. Curious at the prospect of Izzy and George. And if Karev can soften there's hope for all of us. Finally when everything gets just a little too heavy we always have McSteamy to cheer us up (even if it's just the memory of him stepping out of that shower).

But enough of my Grey's gushing.

CSI. I'm never watching it again. Mark my words. They teased me over the summer with the hope of Sara's demise. I flipped back and forth Thursday, just waiting to watch her die. But of course that never happened. No long, slow, painful death. While the impact of my loss of viewership may not break their hearts--they lost my loyalty nevertheless.

I stopped watching when they revealed Sara and Grissom were involved. And one season later, I haven't missed them in the slightest. I am never watching CSI again.

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