Monday, December 24, 2007

The walls will fall before we do

Friday night was the season finale of The Next Great American Band. Now if you've seen this show (or promos for it) you'll know why it glued me to the television.

Yes, Johnny Rzeznik, frontman for The Goo Goo Dolls (only my absolute favorite singer and band) is a judge.

What a treat to see John every week and gleen a little more information about him. Oh. Yeah.

The first two weeks of the live shows he had some trouble handling the crowd boo after his comments. I'll cut him some slack on that since I'm sure it was an adjustment to go from artist to judge. He had a little too many "you guys are great, what more can I say?" type comments, but when he did give criticizm it was thoughtful and right on (in my opinion).

But now my weekly indulgence in Johnny is over. The Goo Goo Dolls performed Black Balloon on this finale show, far outshining the performance of his fellow judge Shelia E and the actual contestants of the show. I, of course, am biasis on this matter.

I was nervous about the series (what if JR acted like a loser or real jackass?) or what if the network execs hated it and pulled it from the airwaves before it finished the competition? But it didn't disappoint. The actual music was too country/folky for my tastes. I did enjoy Dot Dot Dot and Rocket (I totally agree with Johnny, the lead singer of Rocket need to work on her singing).

I'm hoping it's picked up again and more importantly, Johnny is still a judge. The host did say We'll see you again next year... so here's hoping.

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I want to complain about certain aspects of Christmas cards, but don't want to piss people off who do what I don't like.

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Last week on American Dad's Christmas Show, Stan Smith died and met God--who was voiced by Seth MacFarlane. "It's true! I knew Seth MacFarlane is a god!"

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Our 13 day wait for the arrival of Crimbo themed adventures was slightly unbearable. The wait was worth it, I'm enjoying adventuring in the Sinister Dodecahdron for the 12 days of Crimborg. This holiday season was festooned with references from Star Trek's Borg & the Collective as well as many Terminator references. I'm quite satisfied, this Crimbo season has been as enjoyable as the others I've participated in.

I'm frustrated by the stat scaling---I wasn't used to having to hit an enemy more than once, so I'm sure NS is going to be a bitch to defeat. I think I'll give her a try tomorrow.

It's such a huge disappointment that I won't be able to use all these items in a run for my main adventurer The long run has enabled me to reach Level 16 as a Seal Clubber, so I was able to gain pulverize the new nuances to this skill have been interesting/exciting/frustrating.

I've spent most of my time in the Toy Factory, collecting as much material as I can I'll keep each of the items Uncle Crimbo makes and sell the rest. I know, I'm such a mall whore. I've lost count of how many doll hives I have so I'm swimming in Tiny Plastic Series 2.

And from my visit with Rudolph the Red, I think Father Crimbo may come back, oh what a plot twist we could be in for!

(Non-KoL related babbled): I've started reading Wicked but I'm not very far because there was so many other holiday related things to get done. I'm going to try to read more in the new year.

I've been playing a lot of free cell solitare lately--do you think that makes your brain function better like crossword puzzles are supposed to?

It's been snowing and blowing all day, so I might have to draw a picture for dad's tractor instead of taking a picture. The BackStory: Dad wanted a compact tractor (but didn't want to spend his own money for one) so mom and I combined our money and bought him one. It cleaned out my mad money for shopping and entertainment that I had saved. So that's going to be his Christmas, birthday, Father's Day gift for the next 12 years (I'm not kidding, I did the math).

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