Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I just want to take a little breather

I've been having a hard time this week.  I have no motivation.  I have no energy.  I have very few moments where two brain cells communicate enough to come up with any "good" thoughts.  (note: plenty of dull, lackluster, plain and unastonishing thoughts, but nothing inspiring)

I had a fantastic Sunday ... I had dishes finished, three square meals, clean office, 2009 budget started, bank statements entered in both online checking account and paper register, clean room, multiple loads of laundry done.  Christmas decorations put away, and I started patching the various nail holes around the house. Plus two awesome football games to round out Wild Card Weekend ... But the trade off seems to be I get to be miserable the rest of the week.

I shouldn't, be telling you this but there are dishes everywhere!  Clean, dirty ....  the counter space is becoming seriously limited because I have no interest in putting them away or washing them.  Dishes are my downfall.  Majorly. 

But it's hitting every part of me ...

It takes everything I have to get up in the morning.  Damn my bed for being so warm and cozy and comfortable in the morning!  Monday I woke up at 7:40 (when I leave at 7:50) because I didn't update my wake up time from that I used during vacation.

Today I vowed that when that alarm went off I would get up, put away dishes, make coffee and eat breakfast.  Well wouldn't you know ... I opened my eyes finally at 7 ... well after my alarm went off ... and rolled over for ten more minutes.  Gah!  The best part?  I forgot the coffee I made at home!  I got to the office and went to grab my bag and coffee ... and no coffee.  So pretty much nothing went right this morning.

Then at 11 this morning I had a big fucking run in my nylons.  Come on!  I demand to cash in some kharma points.

I feel very sluggish and useless at work.  Get one thing done, 12 more things that should have been done last week.

It's too early to have the winter blues because my god there is so much winter left.

And now, of course, my internet music player is being spazzy.  That hard to play music?  Yeah, I guess so.

Here's hoping for better days ....

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