Saturday, January 23, 2010

Not too cool for cereal

Okay, so I must walk into this with you with a warning.  I'm blocked.  I don't have anything.  And right now, I'm sick.  But I'm also sick of looking at my blogger bookmark and clicking on others because I have nothing to put here.

I get the case of the know-nothings every year.  This year it's either really late, or it came early.  I'm not sure what to do to make it go away.  All my usual tricks haven't worked.  Listening to music, reading books, trying something new .... football ... nothing!

So I'm just going to type through it ... and hopefully what comes out isn't too much of crap that you forever disregard me and my writing.

I went to the store yesterday to get some orange juice to help power away my cold.  I'm almost half done with what I bought ... still have a queasy stomach, foggy head, no fever though.

There was an awesome sale on Life Cereal, so I also stocked up.  Five boxes!!! My mom never bought Life.  I had it once at my grandmas? or maybe some other relation.  But the moment I had it, I was hooked.  Kinda like Pepsi Twist, dark chocolate and Muscato wine.

I remember telling my mom about this awesome cereal and how amazing it was but for the life of me i couldn't remember the name ... although i knew it was relatively short.  So the next month we went up and down the cereal aisle every time we went grocery shopping.  Finally figured it out ... then saw the price.  And that was the end of my hopes of eating Life.

Now since I'm left to my own vices, I'm not so much of a cereal person.  I'm picky in the way I really don't like eating the same thing day after day.  And I often don't get up with enough time to get dressed, make coffee, get lunch together for the day, do my hair AND eat breakfast.  Sometimes I'm lucky if I get three out of the five done.

But every once and a while cereal sounds good.  And when given the choice it's either life, frosted shredded mini wheats, raisin bran or grape nuts.  Grape nuts is also quite pricey and hardly on sale.  But boy, when Life is on sale I buy it! With Vigor!  Even if I don't need it. (I know, that's also called "hording," but I will eventually eat it ... though I don't think that helped my case any).

So, Life was on sale.  And I bought it (five boxes)! With Vigor!  And I put it down in the basement and stepped back and lovely looked at my collection of Life Cereal.  Oooooh, ahhhhh.

This is why I don't type when I'm blocked.  It's like drunk typing, slightly less typos, same amount of pathetic.  Oh well, I've never been accused of being cool.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Hording is perfectly acceptable. Check my cupboards and freezer for proof.