Sunday, July 11, 2010

Find nothing but faith in nothing

I'm going to open a door leading to a dirty little secret.  No, not that secret, but wouldn't you like to know.

My complete and utter lack of motivation--sometimes classified as laziness.  I like to be organized, I don't like to procrastinate ... but somehow I cannot find a happy medium as an adult to accomplish everything that needs to be done.

Talking with friends tonight, I saw they had the same dilemma.  They also have the room with a closed door that hides the mess that just doesn't go away.

We all have best intentions, but when it comes to cleaning vs. vegging out, we prefer, and choose the latter.  I've tried different things, with nothing holding long term success.

I get home from work with the best intentions, and sometimes I am motivated and on a roll enough to follow through and make progress.  The only problem is, the next day it's all there again, or there's something else to get done.  It's a hard blow on the psyche.

If you know how to combat this ... you gotta help me!  I just can't reach any good consistency!

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