Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mr. Monk and the Killer Cat

Tuesday morning I heard an odd noise.  Tap, tap, tap, slide.  Again and again from the basement.

At first I didn't know where it was coming from.  I thought it might have been something off in my dehumidifer.  Or perhaps it was some plant, bush or tree smacking against the house.  I investigated every possibility I could think of.

I opened the door from the kitchen that goes back to the basement and Hercules (my cat) snuck down.  He ran straight to the dryer and then we heard the sound.  Now, I doubt this is what happened, but I'm going to choose to remember it this way.  Herc and both looked at each other, perplexed.

It was getting time for work, so there wasn't much to do but hope it would resolve itself.

I returned home and heard the same sound, again Hercules zipped pass and ran to the dryer.  I had deduced that there was a chipmonk in the tube that connects from the dryer and vents outside.

Now, I suppose I had a couple of options.

1. I could leave it in and have a dead chipmonk in the dryer vent.
2. I could let it out and have a live chipmonk running around my basement.

I guess I figured live was less smelly of two evils.  So I tapped the vent and slipped it off.  I took a quick look in, didn't see anything and went outside to bring in groceries, leaving Herc in the basement.

After around 15 minutes Herc came upstairs and I shut the door leading to the basement.  The night passed and we were getting ready for bed when thought of my furry house guest creeped into my head.  I considered going downstairs, hoping maybe Herc got lucky and killed it so I wouldn't have to set a trap.  In the dark? And risk running across a live Monk?  Ah no.

So I changed into my pj's and realized how cold it was.  I went into the office, shut the window and as I walking back .... a dead chipmonk in the middle of the floor.  Thank god I didn't step on it!

So I have a little Monk Killer who left me a present ... at least it wasn't in the bed!

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