Monday, June 17, 2013

How could I have ever passed you by?

Back again to the 30 Day Song Challenge.  I swear I'll finish before I turn 31 (I hope).

It's Day 28 - A Song that Makes You Feel Guilty.

This song hit me on the way to work last week.  I was innocently singing along, even though I had only heard it once before, when I started to cry.  I could not believe the heartache and anguish I felt while absorbing the lyrics.  I haven't been able to listen to it since without choking up, but I think it may be my favorite song from the album.

bulletproofAngel, The Goo Goo Dolls, Magnetic, 2013

This song is from the Goo Goo Dolls new CD, just released last week (thank you 2 day delivery Amazon Prime). The first time I listened to this song I really didn't like it.  I'm not quite sure why, but the first impression just didn't do it for me.  But when I actually listened to the lyrics, it completely changed my perspective.

This hits my emotions in so many places.  First, the message I pull is that there are so many people in our world--whether it's your neighborhood, workplace or community--that we don't notice or don't take the time to hear their stories.  There have been plenty of times that I have felt unfairly judged because people don't know me or know my situation.  I certainly know I'm guilty of the same.

The second primary message of this song for me revolves around mental health issues and under-served populations.  Here Johnny spins a woman in poverty (who is probably there because of untreated mental health problems) to an enlightened soul who sees the truth.  It's certainly a romantic view, but it also breaks my heart.  We are so unequipped as a nation to help the masses that struggle.  We don't value the general well-being of the working poor (or even middle class, but that's a blue post for later).  Years ago, when I started in the nonprofit industry, it was generally agreed upon by agencies in my town that most public agencies could not recognize a person afflicted with mental health issues (and no, it's not always as obvious as hearing an invisible choir).  Now, unfortunately due to the economic downturn and rise in gun violence, mental health issues have become a talking point, but little more.

This song makes me feel guilty because I'm happy and healthy and comfortable in my life.  I've worked hard to get where I am, but I know there are so many people around me struggling for so many reasons.

I will never be able to do enough to solve the world's--or even one person's---problems.  And sometimes I simply don't have the emotional energy to listen or try.

Day 29 is A Favorite Song from Your Childhood (no guarantees of when this post will come).

Check out Day 28 or start with Day 1 (A Goo Goo Doll Classic)

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