Thursday, June 23, 2005

Road Rage, KoL

I have been experiencing quite a bit of road rage lately. Maybe it's because I drive 37 miles everyday.

Maybe it's because I have to take six roads to work instead of three. Because it does, of course, make sense to rip up all the main roads to and from the closest town.

Or MAYBE it's because the people driving on these detours are driving 45! Come ON people! Speed least reach it. Then I won't be as pissed when I need to pass you.

In town, it's just as bad. The left and right lanes are driving the same speed...about five miles under the speed limit. I respect people who drive the speed limit...hell, I sometimes do it myself. But if you're going to partake in such activities, let the less patient people wander on at their own pace. Stop being so controlling you evil crawling bastards.

Today, I celebrate my one month anniversary at work. No one notices.

I adventure deeper and deeper in the kingdom of loathing. Totally hooked. Thanx Tim ;-)

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