Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Stay on the melon truck and keep driving!

Remember when I told you about Corporate Communications? This was the class with the Crisis Case (i.e. high stress, real-time work) we rocked the presentation and got a 98 on the paper. For the previous case we had one more group member. He was a nontraditional student that asked Kerry to be in our group. Now, we had reservations, not because he was a nontrad, but that he didn't seem to catch on as quick as others. Well, he never caught on...he sent us tons of emails with random information, never took the information to knowledge we could use, made an incomplete powerpoint that we needed to redo the day before and never sent me his sources or writen part of the paper (not to mention that the day of the presentation he didn't run the powerpoint right).

Anyway, with the stressful second case, we asked him to leave the group. It was hard and we felt bad. Our professor understood. He responded with a couple of emails the first two weeks after saying we were petty and a bunch of little girls playing high school games. Then he left us alone. Unfortunately, he had some residual anger, and took it out on Kerry ... below is the email he just sent to her (poor kerry).

It's amusing in a bizarre sort of way. Thought you would be interested/astonished, etc.


This message is from Mark. This message is late, but youare going to get it any way. Normally, I'm a pretty good judge ofcharacter, but I was quite wrong about you. The reason I asked to workwith you in that corporate communications course was because I thoughtthat you had a kind heart and enjoyed working with new people. Youturned out to be quite the opposite. I respect people who have intelligence and work hard, as you do,but have a higher respect for people who treat one another withdignity. That is a category that you fall short in.

My wife has moreeducation that you will ever live to have and enjoys being aphysician. I didn't marry her because she draws a good income orbecause she is so intelligent. I'm with her because she is a kind,loving woman who has passion for the people she deals with. I'm old enough to be your father, and have a lot more experience inliving than you do. You need to realize that you shouldn't shut thedoor on people so quickly. I worked with another group of people inanother course on campus, and enjoyed that experience because wetalked to one another if we weren't on the same page. However, theywere in their 30's and had a higher maturity level than you and yourgroup members do. Someday you'll realize how wrong you were in makinga decision like the one you made last spring.

I didn't leave your group because you felt that I wasn't holdingup my end. I left because I felt that I shouldn't have to prove myselfto a bunch of kids. I didn't fall off the melon truck, and have plentyof "street smarts". You don't know the true meaning of the word"RESPECT" yet, and you may never will unless you change your attitude.I don't want to hurt your feelings and want you to succeed, but thinkthat it may help it you integrated more humility in your dailythinking routine. ----Mark

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