Tuesday, October 4, 2005



We say we're honest, but are we? white lie here and there to save feelings. Smiling at a joke to be polite, keeping calm when something doesn't go right.

We say good for you and we're happy and proud because that's the right thing to say, but it's really tearing you up inside.

I sometimes wonder what people really think, though I know that would only cause trouble. I'm taken back to instances where if you really said what you felt ... we probably wouldn't have gotten along.

I'll offend you too, and I'm sorry. But the world is polite.

when you fire someone, you let them go because they're performance didn't meet expectations. Not you're lazy and stupid, now get out of my office, bitch!

Would that help?

What would happen if the small talk would be eliminated and we could say you're the person i've been looking for? Is that an illusion best kept in shadows to preserve safe relationships?

You say you can read me only because you know me ... but how can you read my emotions when i don't know what i'm feeling? And why does no one else care that they don't know me? And how shallow do they think I am if they do think they know me?

What if life had five second delay? Oops Janet's nipple, there it is ... *OFFENDED! OFFENDED!* What? NO, it didn't happen.

Tell a joke, no laugh, go back with your delay and you save face. You just shut the microphone off for awhile while Joe blow is swearing off camera.

Two wine glasses and a mountain dew can added to the collection. Where does the time go?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, I just wanted to say that I love reading your blogs. One because you're a talanted writer with an interesting opinion, but also because I just miss a girl sometimes;) This is as close as I get to knowing what's happenin' in your life or MIND. Sometimes anyways. Keep it real girl ... Much love~ KK