Monday, February 13, 2006

Tell me everything you want me to be

I'm dying to know, but terrfied to ask.

Because at least if I'm not sure there's always that chance.

All the songs I'm digging right now make me cry ... and I don't think it's in a good way.

I saw your face in a crowded place ... and I don't know what to do, cuz I'll never be with you.
But it's time to face the truth ... I'll never be with you.

You were holding me like someone broken, and I couldn't tell you but I'm telling you now.
Just let me hold you while we're falling apart. Just let me hold and we'll both fall down.
Fall on me ... tell me everything you want me to be.
Call on me ... I'll be there for you and you'll be there for me.

You may need me there to carry all of your weight. But you're no burden

You always find a way to keep me right here waiting.
And you're just so independant. You just refuse to bend, so I keep bending until I break.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sometimes I worry .......

About leaving candles burning while I leave the room

That my computer will start buzzing before I'm done doing whatever I'm doing

Smacking my computer will break it
Since my niece Hailey is so quiet around me she doesn't like me, or that she thinks I favor Erika over her (which I don't!)

My loved ones got into a huge and terrible car accident if they're late
I'm not doing a good job at work
People think since I'm not bubbly that I'm being snobby to them

My Leadership group thinks I'm being too forceful/bitchy/power hungry when I took the lead role in our project

I'm too open with people

That I'm lazy/waste too much time

My beliefs may be fundamentally wrong
My family doesn't see the real me
I gossip too much

The people I trust will turn and take all the information they gleaned from me by pretending to be my friend/confidant and use it against me

My wand will blow up if I use it more than once a day (and it did)
I'm not over it
My social skills will never improve

I don't do enough around the house

Drinking coffee/wine/tea will never allow my teeth to be sparkling white
My short hair cut makes me less feminine

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

It feels funny when I try to use the 32 on the top row of my keyboard. I think it might be the work of the evil little computer elves that are making my tower hum.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Bowl that's super and not so super colors

This weekend is the Super Bowl... which is always exciting, if only for the commercials. But this year, I'm also pysched for the game. I don't have anything invested in either team, but I have been a fan of Big Ben Roethlisberger since his debut last year. Of course, I support Matt Hasslebeck, but would rather see Holmgren fail. Petty? Maybe. Do I care? Not a chance.

On a totally separate rant: why the hell do some teams have three + jersey colors? What was ever wrong with home and away?
  • Falcons: Black, white, red.
  • Seahawks: Blue, white, blackish.
  • Eagles: Green, white, Greenish-black.
  • Bengals: Black, white, orange
  • Chargers: Navy blue, white, power blue (who would wear this unless it was a throwback day? Yuck!)
  • Bears: Blue, White, Orange
  • Ravens: Purple, White, Black
  • Giants: Blue, white, Red
  • Cardinals: Red, white, White w/red shoulders
I mean, come on!~ Two wasn't enough? What's the point? They use the extra color for home and away, so it kind of takes away from the Home jersey. I could maybe understand if they used it for away to be more intimidating (haha) or to give the team that extra edge. Maybe I would even be satisfied if the teams adopting another color would at least give an explaination other than expanding their wardrobe. But you never hear about why ... only that they're wearing a different one ... if that.

Hey folks, you can get your Terrell Owens Eagles jersey for 49.99 rather than the 74 bucks it was running at.