Tuesday, June 13, 2006

For God Sakes Big Ben, wear sunscreen!

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger, was struck by a car while riding his motorcycle Monday morning. Roethlisberger, the youngest quarterback to win a Super Bowl at age 23, fractured his upper and lower jaw bones and broke his nose. He also sustained head lacerations in addition to losing two teeth and chipping several others. He underwent seven hours of surgery.

I have no problem with the fact that he was on a motorcycle or if he didn't a liscense. But Ben wasn't wearing a helmet. And I can't believe he could be so stupid.

Whatever happened to an ounce of prevention goes a long way? But of course there still aren't people wearing saftey belts, sunscreen, condoms and the like.

Pennsylvania law doesn't require people to wear helmets, so against the advice of his coach and others, Big Ben decided he'd go without. And he could have lost his career and his life instead of a couple of teeth.

I wish Big Ben a speedy recovery ... but next time Ben, put on a helmet ... and wear some sunscreen!

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