Sunday, April 8, 2007

Before you go, there's something you should know:

This is a double dip Sunday, because I wrote the previous blog Thursday night and didn't get to post it until now. And now ...... I'm not completely sure what to write. Nothing of form is coming to me, so I guess this might be a random topic rambling.

I leave for New York Saturday... less than a week away. Whoohoo! I'll be able to scratch off a couple of my life goal's. Seeing Starry Night, meeting someone famous (we're going to Regis and Kelly, so I'm hoping to pop down and shake her hand), seeing RENT on Broadway. Whooo! Or maybe it's off broadway. I learned that on, off and off off is not based on location, but how many seats the theater has. Curious.

I also learned today that vanilla beans come from Orchid plants, a notoriously hideous-smelling flower. Even more curious.

Back to New York. I need to crack down and get packing. I gotta see if need film and get everything else together. Also gotta read the security-bag restrictions, different from the last time I flew. I'm bringing band-aids and TWO pairs of walking shoes, so hopefully I can avoid the bleeding feet.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll go to Food for Thought again this year. I don't know, i might be too tired. I'm trying to think of when I got back from San Francisco. I did editing and worked on our cases paper, which were mentally exhausting--though I'm sure I had a shit-ton of caffeine. But I didn't need to be sociable and pleasant to anyone. SO I dunno. I just hate missing it two years now that I'm back in town. Oh well, I guess.

So it's Oyster Egg Day in KoL---and Happy Easter to you real life folks---I got my basket, but there's no proclamation the main page and not a single f'ing egg has dropped. So I'm thinking Jick & Co. have a bug that delayed the Oysters. Maybe it'll be a double holiday like Sneaky Pete's. I haven't gotten drunk yet, so if it implements before I sign off today hopefully I can partake in the egg-hunting goodness.

The latest obsession is +44. (Click the music link below this post and you'll find my jabbering about them already.) The whole break up, secrecy, Tom's revolution and mental breakdown (in my opinion) fascinates me. Add in that they split early 2005 (i think) and I didn't find out until October 2006 when I saw +44's first video and thought I recognized Mark and then was almost positive when I saw Travis. Not to mention that Travis broke his arm during the filming of the video and when I watched them on Letterman (which I had fallen asleep and woke up just as they were being introduced) and noticed Travis was drumming with one arm. It's just a great, multi-faceted story. Mark's blog (which is updated more than mine, but I bet he doesn't have dial-up) keeps me hooked.

I have started practicing the guitar again. And I was re-introduced to the fact that I have very short fingers and my pinkie doesn't go to the top string without dislocation or go-go-gadget pinkies. I'm torn between giving up and hoping that somewhere there's an artist that doesn't have normal to long fingers and they have found a way to play and I just need to keep working at it. But then I think maybe I should take up violin, but I'm sure there's something inherent about me that will make me unable to play that either.

Learning to play the guitar is another of my life goal things. I don't know if I'll be able to fulfill that one. I need more. I'd like to get 100 or so, but now I have less than 32. There are somethings that people would put on that I just don't care about--like visiting all 50 states. What if I don't want to go to Wyoming? Huh? What about that then?

I'm not sure what else to write, but don't really want to end it like this. I could complain about the weather, but there's nothing I can do about it, so why bother. I just hope it's nice in NYC next week. I'm trying to get to Level 9 with my multi and buy a store in the mall, but that also means I need 60,000 meat (I think?). I'm finding jsut how frickin hard it is to adventure the first time around again. Even though I know stuff now. I forgot just how reliant I am on my ghoul whelp (or any familiar other than the volleyball and mosquito) and all the skills I've aquired along the way. I don't know how people who don't ascend can do it. Getting skills from others and bots just doesn't feel right.

Oh, I did a 14 day run. It was so cool, I ascended (I almost went oxy (eeep!)) and then clicked on my ascension tracker and there it was 14 days! Cool beans.

Well now I'm really running out of things to say. I've been horribly mis-spelling words all over the place. Yay for spell check.

That's all folks, sorry there wasn't a big finish.

Happy Easter. Eat an egg and some chocolate (dark, please) for me. Just not mixed together.

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