Sunday, April 8, 2007

At the end of the day

Grey's Anatomy. My weekly Thursday addiction, I'm a junkie aching for my fix.

Justice, punishment. Tonight's episode is when Bailey asked the chief what punishment he would dole out to Yang and Burke for lying and putting patients' lives in danger since he had a tremor in his hand.

Chief said this isn't a courtroom, there's no real concept of justice within these four hospital walls.

And that made me think. I don't know if there's justice outside of the four walls of a courtroom. In "real life" when someone is lazy, mean, out of line, wrong or simply just not living up to expectations or following the golden rule--there is no justice.

I think that's why people are so eager to embrace religion--that's the ultimate form of justice. Rules, bound in a book and a great big finger waging at you from a pulpit. Of course there's also the ultimate justice in the "final judgement."

In the daily course of things, though there may be balances, often there's not swift and harsh actions.

People get sick. Friendships end. People die. Families drift. Lives changed. Altered. Destroyed.

Kharma's balances don't always come fast enough.

"I listen to you talk, but talk is cheap. And my mouth is filled with blood from trying not to speak." ~ Mark Hoppus, No It Isn't, (+44)

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