Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer is here and so is NS-13 (tomorrow!)

Summer is officially here, though it's been quite warm for some time. Last night we had our first campfire of the summer. It was nice, though we didn't stay out long. I made a pizza over the fire and we watched the cats try to sneak over and steal some food.

We discovered that one of the cats looks like Hitler. It has a little patch of black under its nose. I'll try to get a picture of it to post. I can just picture it doing the salute and the march. I can also picture it holding meetings with the other cats plotting ways to destroy us. And that worries me.

I finished my last hardcore ascension before NS13 rolls out. I checked my stat page and it was 13 day run! I didn't use my full adventures two days of the run, so it would have been even faster. I have mixed emotions about that. It's cool because I finally got under two weeks--and could have done even better. But now with the changes coming tomorrow, I probably won't see a fast run for a long time.

The anticipation for NS13 is dreadful and exciting. There's been strange weather in the Kingdom lately, storm clouds over the map and a particularly nasty one over the Sorceress' lair. I hope she has a lightning rod and has turned off her appliances. Last year a meteorite was heading for the Kingdom and eventually collided with one of our moons, Grimace. Well, this created a small third moon the orbits the other two. And the meteor, or maybe it was a chunk of Grimace, fell to the Kingdom and created a crater on the northern-most region of the Desert Beach. After awhile, the penguins mysteriously appeared and set up camp. Soon we learned they were mining the grimacite. This lead to the opening of the raffle house and grimacite prizes.

Now, exactly one year after the site was created, we have been granted access to it. No one really knows how, but speculation is the mob penguin guarding the site (who've we all spoken to, but could never get past) left his post or was over run. The penguins are battling and dropping items--something that hasn't happened in three years!

So thousands of adventurers have depleted grimacite in their inventory. I'm just hoping this doesn't lead to some kind of nuclear poisoning and there's not another great plague.

There's also been a secretive mason hanging around the wrong side of the tracks. He claims he's using grimacite to rebuild Hagnk's. Hagnk's is where adventurers store their belongings when they ascend and during hardcore runs. Poor Hagnk's has been burned down, hit by the meteor and flooded. Now most of us have a soft spot for Hagnk, so we'd all be pretty willing to donate a chunk or two of grimacite to the worthy cause of helping him. Along with the rock, the mason asks for 25,000 meat because the grimacite ruins his tools has he shapes them into bricks. Smells like a scam (or meatsink) to me.

Well my Accordian Thief is having issues with little miss naughty up in her tower. Gah, she can't just give me a break. Since I won't be seeing her until Level 13 now she needs to inflict as much pain as possible right now when she has the chance.

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