Sunday, July 15, 2007

Let me see that 1, 2 Step

As I have mentioned before, one of my summer viewing pleasures is So You Think You Can Dance?. I don't remember watching it the first season (and now I realize I did, after checking wiki). The popularity of Dancing with the Stars may my propelled my interest, because I didn't miss an episode last season. There were so many dancers I enjoyed--Allison, Ivan, Travis, Donyelle (Travis and Donyelle are probably tied for my favorite). Benji was okay... but he didn't excite me as these other four did.

But this year marked the return of Hok (Hokutu Konishi). He tried out last summer, and would have went far if he would have had a work permit instead of just a student visa. The episode they told Hok he had to go home, scolded him even, was heartbreaking for him, the judges ... and me. There's something about him that's charming and captivating. Born in Japan, Hok was raised in Oxford, England and is going to school in Santa Monica for graphic design. (As a side note: his accent is amazing! Not quite British, almost sounds a bit Australian ...)

He's a hip hop, B-Boy--break dancing, but so much more than the 80's spinning on your head. These boys (and girls) and pop, lock, contort, flip and spin like no one else. It's truly entertaining to watch the really skilled b-boys. And Hok has those magical qualities. I can't wait to watch him perform each night. Even when he's not taking on his own style, he brings that magic to the other genres.

He nailed his jazz number in Week 3, but is struggling with the ballroom dances. While, I didn't notice any issues with last week's waltz, Mary Murphy didn't have many positive comments. As far as I can tell his carriage is great, but it's his footwork that needs work. I plead with the dance gods to have Hok practice ballroom to perfect that technique until he has blisters! If he doesn't, it will be his ultimate downfall.

My other favorites are Neil Haskill (contemporary), Sabra Johnson (contemporary) and Dominic Sandoval (hip hop).

Benji's sister Lacey is a contestant and Travis' adopted brother Danny is also on the show. Lacey is striking and very energetic, but she doesn't hit me the way the others do. The judges love her, so I'm sure she'll go far. And other than Danny's technique, he's not very fun to watch. From the beginning, the judges have tried to put their fingers on what it was that put people off about Danny. I think it comes down to, he dances--but doesn't connect with the audience. I don't think he feels what he dances. He just doesn't have the it factor, no magic.

I also love watch what the choreographer are going to pull out of their hats. My favorites are Shane Sparks (hip hop), Wade Robson (jazz/contemporary--and maybe the most talented, innovative, groundbreaking choreographer on the show) and Mia Michaels. I'm sure I missed one or two, but I haven't seen them on the show yet.

The last reason I love the show is that it's a good cue for what's coming on the music scene. KT Tungstall's song "Suddenly I See" was the farewell for the show last year. So by the end of the summer I knew those bars by heart. I didn't even hear it on the radio until the fall. And Fergie's London Bridge was performed live on the show a week before I saw it on Yahoo! Music Videos.

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