Sunday, June 1, 2008

And with a wave of my magic wand ... I bring you this post

First, I have to confess to you.

I'm cheating.

I'm writing this Saturday and scheduling it to post on Sunday, so I don't miss that traditional post. There, I just let all the mystic and wonder out of my sails. The white rabbit in my hat has been exposed and I really didn't make the Statue of Liberty disappear. Damn.

I'm doing it this way because I'll have to be a busy bee this morning *wink, wink* to make a big birthday brunch for my parents. And to write, post, adventure and cook would mean I'd have to wake up by at least 5:30. And dagnabit, Sunday is my day! I ain't getting up at no 5:30 AM! So there.

The sun just went under. It's windy and cold. Now it's back--still windy and a little chilly. I don't know if I can take it much longer. Okay now I'm inside and there's this bit of dandelion fluff following me around.

A couple of weeks ago I found mojito mix in the store. This was thrilling because it's quite labor intensive to make mojitos. Totally worth it because they're oh-so-yummy. You have to mull the mint and sugar, make sure all the sugar gets dissolved (the part I never completely succeeded at) and juice probably three or four limes to make a good sized drink. Limes aren't too cheap, so I rarely was able to enjoy a mojito.

I had my first mojito at Ruby Foos in NYC. It was a Ginger Mojito and was absolutely fantastic it was also huge, so thankfully we ate a lot so I was able to walk through the City that Never Sleeps with a good buzz instead of stumble through it.

The mix I bought was pretty reasonable and it makes an awesome mojito (and I love that word!). I also got pear-ginger, which is good but doesn't hold a candle to Ruby Foos. And I have a passion fruit mix I'm enjoying right now ..... err, last night.

If you have a chance, give mojitos a try. And try tequila and coke if you're a tequila fan. Also a quality beverage.

So what do you think about the federal case the national media made about the Packers leaving Favre's locker (untouched) in the locker room?

Were they planning on leaving it there forever? I don't know. I would have put it in the Packer Hall of Fame, then put the bench/stool that he sat on out in the Hall of Fame too. ("Mom, Mom! I just sat on the very bench Brett Favre used to sit on!!!!!") I read that they sent the locker to Favre. I wonder what he's going to do with it ... I'm envisioning a garden tool storage area.

I also read that they didn't want to give anyone the old locker, because who wants the pressure (and maybe bad juju?) of having the Legend's former space.

It's only May for crying out loud. I can understand why the Packers would have left it there untouched in the meantime when they were figuring out what the hell they should possibly do with it. It's a lose-lose for them really. Whatever they chose someone would have read into it.

And they did.

The big talk was that how is Aaron Rodger's supposed to come into the Packers and be the leader of the team when the Legend's locker is there, starring him the face everyday. That constant reminder. YOU'RE NOT HIM.

On some radio show I heard that someone asked Rodgers about THE LOCKER and he started getting defensive.

I really hope AR got defensive because it was nothing and that's not what the media should be focusing on. Because if he was bothered by a locker he is going to have a hard time stepping out of Favre's shadow.

So in review: I'm a cheater. Mojitos are yummy.
And everyone made way too big of a deal over the Brett Favre locker.

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