Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Because tomorrow's another day

I just stepped outside to put the garbage out and I was struck at how peaceful it was.  The moon is out and high above, shining between two towering pine trees.  The air is crisp, yet comfortable ... assuring me spring is on the way, it's just taking its time.  But what made me pause was how quiet it was.  No crickets or insects yet.  No cars or any other sign of the white noise of life that usually surrounds us.

I appreciate those rare moments where there's harmony and the universe gives you a sign that you're okay, right there in that moment is where you are supposed to be.

Life seems to be going at a million miles per hour and no matter what I do I can't catch up.  With everything.  Work projects, housework, dishes.  Books to read, movies to see, scrapbooks left undone, blog posts left unwritten, the sheer mass of web sites and blogs left unexplored.

No matter how much time there it is, it is never enough.

We went to a conference this winter and heard Paul Wesselmann (The Ripples Project) speak.  He really gave us all a shot in the arm.  He told us to do more tomorrow than what we did today.  Now, in this specific instance he was referring to exercise ... but I think I'm finding harmony applying it to life. 

Didn't get all my clothes put away? Well, I'll put the rest away tomorrow.  Not in the leaving to tomorrow what could be done today sense.  But in the way that there's a finite amount of time--in a day, in a life.

And how we spend that time is our choice---we can choose to react or be depressed or discouraged about what life throws at us.  Or we can choose to act--to be the best person we can be in that moment.

And in this moment ... I feel better knowing that.  Thanks again, Paul!!

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