Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's like February -- only warm

I have been living under a black cloud of bad luck lately.  This is my official request to cash in some of my good karma.

Two weeks ago I was late as I was heading to work, so I'm rushing down the three stairs to get to my back door and inadvertently kick my compost bucket which  hits the wall and explodes.

That very same week I had to cancel two vacation days because a work project deadline was moved up a week.

Two days later, I'm walking down the stairs to empty my dehumidifier bucket.  I slip down the last two stairs and jam my toe.  Ouch! I hobble around, trying to shake it off ...I was determined to not let it get the best of me.

The next day it hurts and is kind of throbbing, no big deal.  The day after, the last two toes are twice the normal size and half my foot is bruised and my little toe is black.  The bruise has been entertaining though, it changes every day.  I limped for a full week.

It's been enough time for this injury to heal, so a couple days ago, I wore very low heels.  Not even an inch high.  By noon I was totally regretting it.  Bad move, because now the toe is red, throbbing and hurts again when I walk--I think it's official, broken toe.

Let's continue to review my accident prone ways ... on Friday, I went home for lunch (at 2!) and I made myself a cup of green tea.  The water is ready and I pour it into a cup that has a tea ball in it.  But then, as I pick up the cup to move it to the counter from the stove, a tidal wave of scalding water comes cascading over the side.

It rushes is over my hand and it's all I can do not to drop the cup.  Now I have a bright red burn from my index finger all the way across my hand to my ring finger.  I've been putting aloe on it, and I'm worried it's as healed as it's going to get.  I already scar pretty easily so I might have to find my magical scar reducing gel and start putting that on.

Today I stopped to get gas and a cup of coffee.  I lift the nozzle out of the holder and gas splashes up at me, completely covering my shirt.  The nozzle must have been broken because it did the same thing after I took it out of my car (standing far away).  I smelled so bad I gave myself a headache.  So as soon as I could I went home and changed my clothes.

So universe ... I give!  I'm sorry for whatever I did~  I'll stop complaining about the stuff that's driving me crazy.  I hold down the bitterness about office coverage and answering phones.  Just please ... make the bad stuff go away!!

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