Saturday, August 7, 2010

The view from my chair

After work I was sitting in my yellow, very weathered looking Adirondack chair on my patio.  I was struck by the moment--and that moment was exactly what I needed.

Moments of calm, peace and unexpected beauty always captivate me.  You never know when they're coming. So I guess they're God's happy little surprises.

I was working on my new, beautiful laptop (there may be a forthcoming post professing my love) with my feet up on the fire pit and i looked up.  It was quite spectacular, the view from my chair.

In that moment, looking up at this enormous pine tree that I see everyday; a view from a chair that I should have experienced many times before ... was just so new.  I marveled how the world changes from a different perspective.

I've gotten a lot of perspective in the past month.  From the very frivolous---reference above my sleek and sexy new laptop compared to old trusty that is three times as thick.  To the very serious--interviewing an amazing woman who suffered through horrible things that gives me nightmares every time I go back to her story.

Also a reminder of the perspective that I'm an outsider looking in, knowing the price is too high to find the warm feeling of acceptance that used to be natural.

So sitting in my chair, I was took a moment to reflect on how the world changes depending on where you sit--literally and figuratively.

And I reminded myself that while I had poor turn of luck that made my week horrible, bit of bad news  destroyed a week for someone else.

I guess perspective also comes with a healthy dose of gratitude.

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