Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No, the snow's still there.

Two nights ago I had two pretty vivid dreams. The first was that the snowbank under my window melted and I could see the grass.

This is out of the ordinary because we have around 90 inches of snow and my coworkers and I are speculating how long it'll take to melt away. The second reason is that I was convinced that I was awake and truly thought the snow was gone. So much so that it took me five minutes this morning to come to terms that it really was a dream.

The other dream was that my class had a high school reunion, held at the high school. The reunion pretty much took place in the hall where our lockers were. There were some heart warming moments. Nothing so interesting that I should share here. Then at the end of the reunion we had to clean out our lockers and say goodbye. Lony turned to me and was somewhat awkward and I said, "Well, I'll see you around on Facebook because I haven't seen any of the people in our class since graduation and I doubt the next six years will be any different."

He laughed and said that's what he was thinking but didn't want to seem rude

My cousin Tim and his son Aaron were in the parking lot.

How very odd.

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