Saturday, March 6, 2010

Feeling Guilty

I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  I got to sleep in.  My headache is gone.  It's sunny and warm.

So why was I cranky?  I'm not sure.  Maybe it was the bland coffee.  Or that stain on my shirt.  Maybe it was the country music.  Or that I didn't get any breakfast. Maybe it was that my day was planned without consulting me.  Whatever it was I was CRANKY! 

I knew it, I could feel it.  I also could tell it was written all over my face.  But, people being sunny and nice ... it only pissed me off more.  My mom doesn't like it when I'm cranky.  She picks and prods and tries to find out what's wrong ... even when it's nothing more than I'm in a bad mood.  Trouble with that, is that it only makes my mood worse.  She should know, but she does it anyway.

And then I feel guilty for feeling cranky.  But why don't I have the right to be in a bad mood?  Why can I not be left alone to let the sunshine (or coffee) wash it away?

The sunshine, coffee, french fries ... whatever it was .... worked because I'm not in a bad mood anymore.

Now I just feel guilty.

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