Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sunshine Crisis: the Tale of Two Hands

I have a sunshine crisis.  Don't get me wrong, I love sun.  It's wonderful.  We need more to melt the snow and get spring here.  I respect it and always where sunscreen when I'll be out and about.

BUT .... BUT ... and I cannot believe I'm reporting this to you.  It's tanning me unevenly.  Through my office window.

Yes, folks.  My left hand looks like it's back from the future ... the likes of June.  While poor right hand is present day hand of winter-skin-sun-deprived March.  My face also looks like it's been going tanning (without the rest of my pale body).

My office has south windows.  When the sun is shining, it's magnificent, sometimes even too hot. (I know, I know, cry me a river) When it's under, it's freezing. 

I noticed the other day that I had a tan line where my ring is on my left hand.  I thought to myself how odd that was because I usually don't pick up a tan line that deep until late May or June.

As I was putting lotion on yesterday it was like looking at the hands of two different people.  And short of closing my blinds entirely ... I'm not sure what I can do about it, because I cannot move my desk or change where my computer sits.

I guess I'll have to start putting sunscreen on my left arm every morning before I go to work.

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