Monday, February 28, 2005

What's up with that?

I feel generally grumpy right now. I came into work today and the mood vaguely shifted. A series of small things that are ambiguous...but make me question status nonetheless.

Then I had a feeling of people being pompous. The college-educated (or in the process of) trying to flex the knowledge they just acquired. Where's the knowledge in collecting pieces of work and copy/pasting? Where's the art in that? Nothing else...maybe copying passages and then commenting on the impact it had on you...but to display a whole poem and nothing else? I've felt this pompous attitude more lately. Maybe because communication students I am usually around have a different kind of work that tasks our minds and tests our stress levels--different from other majors. We probably have a little bit of pompousness with our Meyers-Briggs and audience analysis. (INFJ--but when the situation calls for it I can be an E).

I dunno.

The weekend was pleasant. Saturday I didn't feel good, but Friday and Sunday I got quite a bit of work done. The Academy Awards was disappointing...Probably because I really didn't have a vested interest like last year's 11-award lotr sweep. But I missed the opening monologue because we were watching "Chicago."

I didn't enjoy it the first time Jenny and I watched it...I don't know what I was expecting...but I wasn't quite expecting all the glitz and glamour to be all daydreaming. Now, after stripping to the music, and knowing the words to many of the's much more enjoyable...the colors and details (especially the marionette number)...would be exciting to see in the theatre.

Spring Break is sneaking up on us...and i'm looking forward to it. But it also means the time is blazing by. Oof!

Two hour Fear Factor tonight....whoohoo dose of Joe Rogan! I should watch some Family Guy tonight since I didn't get my weekly dose last night. Mmmm Simpsons tonight too.

The night should cheer me up.

But then it's back to worrying if my car will start tomorrow morning. Since I gave it the llama it's been good, but who knows if that will last :-/

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