Friday, November 24, 2006

And your little ghost pickle on a stick, too!

I've gotten several new familiars in KoL lately, and I'm having trouble naming them. In the Kingdom of Loathing, you're allowed pets (much like the wizarding world uses animals) to join you in your journey and quests.

These little animals, machines, inanimate objects and sometimes foods are quite helpful to you as you're wandering on your merry little way.

Familiars can heal your wounds, find you meat (the Kingdom's currency), locate objects, scare, wound and de-level your opponents and give you stat points.

You can gain familiars several different ways: as an award for a quest, build them out of parts you find, buy them in the mall with meat or use real money (that's $$ in the real world) to buy Mr. A's that you can exchange for special multi-talented familiars that are released each month--or you can simply find them while adventuring.
Right now I have three unamed familiars, and I have a general personal rule that I don't adventure with my familiars if they don't have names.

My other familiars have such perfect names ... and I'm just drawing a blank.

So here's who I need to name and their haikus. Comment if you have any ideas, IM or email so these little guys can hold their heads up high in the Familiar-Grow Terrarium.

Origami Towel Crane
know where your towel is?
here in your terrarium
you hoopy frood, you
Ghost Pickle on a Stick
Salty, translucent
floats above, its only need
to lay dill smack down.

Scary Death Orb
shiny ball of death
cuts, slices, eviscerates
who? it's not picky

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