Friday, July 25, 2008

Letters to Live By ~ Passion

Oh dear Friend,

I miss your voice, your laugh. I remember all the good times we shared. Our silly inside jokes that mean nothing to everyone else.

I’ve felt deep passions since we last spoke—good and bad. I’ve been hurt severely, but also loved intensely. It’s funny, for me these both sides of this spectrum stir deep down in the same place—the pit of my stomach. That painful hurt makes my stomach drop or tie in knots and love makes it well up with butterflies. Oh, what an experience!

And I’m not sure if you can really recover from either—love or hurt. Because I can revisit it years later and feel fine, but something triggers it again and all those powerful feelings bubble up.

Johnny Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls says that “scars are souvenirs we’ll never lose, the past is never far.” I agree, but I’ll add wrinkles are earned, a past smile we should never forget.

See, the GGD and Johnny still hold in a place in my heart. As does Travis Jervey, purple, Van Gogh, duckies and llamas. Some things never change. And thank you my friend for accepting my obsessions (there I said it!) and not seeing them as faults. I love that twinkle in your eye when you see me embracing my “favorite things”—I know in your own way you relate to your favorite things as well.

Until next time my dear Friend ... do you remember when we went to that place, and I said this while you did that .... and then .... :-) Wasn't it great?

Sleep well, I look forward to our next chat. ~ Sdo

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