Thursday, July 3, 2008

Plant a Tree, Please a Pirate (Arrrrrr)

Gooooooooooood morning boys and girls, but then again I was told it isn't morning.  Oh well, I guess I get confused by those kind of things.

There is a great newer holiday in the Kingdom of Loathing, and in my green spirit I'm so pleased I can do my part to make the Kingdom a better place (other than slaughtering monsters and rescuing the King from a prism prison).  It's Arrrbor Day where a friendly pirate encourages Adventurers to give back to their Kingdom by planting trees in the Arrrrrboretum.

Nevermind that pirates use trees for wood to make their boats.  And between you and me, they cut down every last tree I planted last Arrrbor Day and all I got in return were pine needles.  Now that doesn't sound like advancing the common good or a way to create opportunities of a better life for everyone ... (stinking lying pirates)

Bitterness aside, check out all the fabulous and funny adventures you can have on Arrrbor Day: Check out the Arrrbor Day Adventures  (courtesy of KoL Wiki)

My Favorites are:
The Fellowship of the Fudge (LotR Reference)
The Submissive Tree (Giving Tree Reference)
A Hare Raising Propsal (Little Bunny FooFoo Reference) 
Sheer Comedic Gold (LotR Reference)
A Foxy Proposal (Firefox spoof)

Quite amusing, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  Those writers and developers are brilliant.

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