Saturday, July 19, 2008

This is the life

This week I took vacation. It’s been my first summer vacation since 2004, longer if you don’t count the summers I worked throughout college.

It’s been such a fabulous time. My plans have been flexible and I’ve loved everything the week has brought me.

Saturday, I went to Jenny’s pond party. It was a super windy afternoon. But even though I didn’t go swimming and I got a sunburn, I had a wonderful time with Jenny and Kriston.
Sunday was such a nice day to weed and work in the garden. Plus I got to watch Robots. But I got a little too much sun and didn’t drink enough water on Saturday so I was sleeping by 9 p.m.

Monday night we had a campfire and stayed outside until midnight. It would have been longer, but I got cold even in pants and sweatshirt.

Mom was having way too much fun playing in the fire. She sent sparks flying all night—I have the burn marks and three holes in my pants to proved it. We missed a Big Bang Theory marathon (two whole hours!) but it was still worth it.

When we got in MASH was on, so we watched that. I tried to stay awake to watch South Park, but probably only got five minutes in and I fell asleep.

I was quite tired after this late night session. I didn’t perk up until around 4 p.m. Tuesday. I still enjoyed our visit with my aunts Joannie & Diane. Diane lives in North Dakota so it was especially nice to see her.

Wednesday I braved the spiders and looked at all the stuff I have in storage so I could make my shopping list.

Tim also came over Wednesday and Thursday, which was awesome. We lamented about how old we’re both getting and how much easier it was before the real world was looming so close (or smack dab in it, for me). That’s a whole other post entirely.

He and mom tag teamed me into buying a dinette set for $35—complete with ugly chairs. Oh well, he also helped us load and unload. Later in the afternoon after Timmy went back home Mom and I went shopping. Got lots of good deals—a beautiful chocolate brown living room chair for $80. I spent around $250 in total, but saved maybe more than $500.

Friday was a lovely lazy day. I sat outside reading and writing. I had a chance to watch a couple of old favorite shows—including bits and pieces of every soap I watched as a child/teen.

All in all my vacation was the best I could hope for. Great friends, family and weather. It’ll be an adjustment to go back to a normal sleeping pattern—especially going to bed before 11 and getting up before 8!!

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