Saturday, December 2, 2006

Crimboween Days 2 & 3

I return to the Kingdom of Loathing for my daily alottment of adventuring. I wander back to the Big Mountains to help Uncle Crimbo. I visit the simple tool making cave and gather 2 sticks, 1 stringy sinew and 1 big leaf. This was no simple task, mind you, the elves just weren't dropping what I needed. But finally, I visted Ugh Crimbo (featured at left) and made a cigar and fire(because apparently Uncle Crimbo has a smoking habit). I go back to my inventory to combine fire and unlit cigar ...

You hold up the lit cigar, take a puff, and blow a square smoke ring. It hangs in the air like a window, and through it you can see what looks like a tropical island. Suddenly, Uncle Crimbo reaches through the window and grabs the cigar! "Thanks, kid," he says. "You're on the right track."

I also was able to piece together a new familiar ... the toothed pet rock (yet another familiar I need to name).

I also put together a combat item (a Yo). I'm not going it use it, because zapping a yo-yo produced a snowy owl, so this might have a similiar result.

Of course, I'll need to get a wand before I can even think about zapping, and that is far in my future. During the course of this, I was in a battle to defeat Baron Von Ratsworth, and he kicked my ass up, down, across, sideways, diagonal and every other which way he could. So in the process of trying to defeat him, I spent way too much meat on healing items, so my purse is now quite light.

Today I gave up, conceeding that having a bartender in a box sooner is much more important that getting the monocle--though it pains me to turn off the rat faucet without it.

However, other than my meat situation, I am right on track with everything else. I have each cavern of the Bat Hole revealed and my Knob Harem Girl Outfit + perfume. I figure I'll investigate which setting of the Candian Mind Control Device I want to defeat them at, take a Tomato Reagent Potion and make quick work of both these foes.

I'm at Level 7, and finally was able to get my Hat from the Dark & Dank Cave. Reagents, Meat and Cocktail Crafting Accessories are my general focus until the next part of Crimbo unfolds.

So now I'm waiting for the next part of the Crimbo Quest to continue, and going abut my merry little way. I have realized that I won't be able to attempt a speed run this time around. I don't want to ascend mid-Crimbo season, it might mess everything up.

Happy Adventuring to All and to All a Good Sunday!

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