Sunday, December 10, 2006

Day 10 -- Quest to Save Crimbo

YAY FOR ME ~~ IT'S MY 100th POST!!

The last time I blogged, I was on Day 4 of my Crimbo Quest. It took one or two days for Phase 3 of Crimboween to unfold. I didn't do much extra adventuring in Linnea's spooky Crimbo Town. I looked on wiki which items I wanted and went back to my other quests after Linnea made those toys for me from what I collected from her minions.

Then, on Day 6 or 7, I ventured back to Crimbo Town ... You decide that now is a good time for another nap. What exactly are you doing that makes you so sleepy, anyways?

You are awakened in the middle of the nap to see three figures standing over you. Well -- two are standing, one seems to be kind of hovering. All three are dressed in black robes, but you see that one’s an average-looking white guy, one’s some kind of golden spider duck, and the hovering one appears to be a squat crimson pig.

“Hey,” the golden spider duck says. “Don’t you think you’ve spent about enough time in the present? It’s time for you to go back to the future!”

“Back to the future?” the squat crimson pig says. “s/he hasn’t even been there yet! How can you go back?”

“Beck to the future?” the average-looking guy responds. “I don’t know if that’s where it’s at.”

“Anyway,” the average-looking guy continues, “you’ve been in Crimbo right-about-now for quite a while. Why don’t you try Crimbo in the not-too-distant future? If you want to rescue Uncle Crimbo, you’d better get on the ball.”

“Some balls are held for charity,” the golden spider duck chimes in.

“Do not taunt happy fun ball,” the pig agrees.

So what you wanna do?

The three figures fade into the dark. One says, "when you awake, you'll be able to visit THE FUTURE!" "INDUSTRY!" shouts another. "Science and technology!" "She blinded me with..."

So now I'm transported to Crimbotown Not-So-Distant Future. Uncle Crimbo had evolved, or maybe was kidnapped and assimilated into Uncle Crimborg. He assimilates machinery into really awesome (but complicated to make) toys. I adventure in the Crimborg Collective Factory and get my ass handed to me several times over by (Killer) Festive Elfbots that assemble weapons, calibrate lasers, weld and apply decals and Rudolphus of Crimborg (think Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer meets RoboCop).

After taking a break from the ass-whooping and continuing with my other adventures, I learn from wiki that the Borg minions level to my stats, so I use the "beaten up" adventuring to collect much of what I need to assimilate the awesome toys from Uncle Crimborg.

Peppermint oil drops and I mix it with fermenting powder. After all this adventuring I indulge myself with this festive holiday spirit and ...

Before you drink the peppermint schnapps, you decide to pour a little out for your homies. The schnapps forms a little puddle on the floor. You look into it and see a desert island with a hammock strung between two palm trees. Suddenly, a deeply tanned arm reaches out of the puddle and grabs the whole flask out of your hand! You hold onto the flask tightly and pull Uncle Crimbo out through the floor.

"Thanks, kid," he says. "I knew you could do it. Well, actually, I was pretty sure you couldn't. But thanks for proving me wrong. See ya on Crimbo Eve!" With that, he lays a finger inside of his nose and rises up into the sky.

About halfway up, Uncle Crimbo yells down, "Hey, you wanna play with my sleigh for a while? Wait, no, I mean literally, kid, geez. I don't need it until Crimbo Eve, so have yourself some fun, you've earned it."

You acquire an item: time sleigh

Whoo! Look at me, saving Crimbo. And that time sleigh is pretty spiffy. I went back to Crimbo Rock to make all the items, and I'm going to do the same with Linnea. Of course, I'm also still battling the borg, trying to assimulate all the toys.

I'm a little disappointed with the Advent Calendar right now, no tiny plastic drops. I've gotten 1 Spooky Eggnogs, 3 Candy Stakes, 4 Ancient Unspeakable Fruitcakes and 2 Gingerbread Horrors.

I have finished all of my Council of Loathing quests, and I'm one muscle point away from becoming Level 10. I'm 14 days into this run, and though I am a little disappointed that I couldn't use all of these awesome new items for a hardcore speed run, maybe I'll be able to get a couple more trophies since I won't be ascending until after Crimbo.

I'll let ya know if anything else unfolds, so far no trophies or outfits discernable from this Crimbo, but there are plenty of days left.

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